Graduates of CHS 1930
We welcome communications, corrections, remembrances, photos, news from alumni from any graduating class who wish to leave messages or e-mail addresses to their classmates- for the year of their graduation.
This is NOT a subscriber site such as, It is a free family history resource however. Email at this link, I will add your item to this page.
Carl Cunningham, Lillie Oakes, Leroy Reynolds, Lloyd Hetherington, George Brooks, Edna Gardner,Robert Leonard, Weldon Morris, Margaret D'Amico, Hubert Berry, Ronald Roller,Gordon Beard, Helen O'Connor, George Leonard.
The Stump Ranch ® The Stump Ranch On-Line Magazine ® Dan Royal, Editor & Webmaster 38090 Kelly Ln. Concrete, Wa. 98237
Mission Statement and acknowledgments
We welcome communications, photos, news from alumni from any graduating class who want to leave messages or e-mail addresses to their classmates; for the year of their graduation. Thanks!
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©2009-2002 The Stump Ranch