Upper Skagit Valley Women’s Retreat Registration 2005
Registration Deadline September 09, 2005


Name ___________________________________________         


Address _________________________________________


City ______________________ State ________ Zip _______         


Phone: ____________________                                           

e-mail:            ___________________________________


Registration Fee : Please (indicate your choice)

$50. _____ Early Bird Registration Fee (prior to 09/09/05; includes overnight lodging and three meals)

$55. _____ After 09/09/05 (includes overnight lodging and three meals)

$35. _____ Saturday Attendance (two meals) Only this year!

There are many break out craft and studies available. There will be small materials fee for the Beading Project. $10.00 for two pair earrings____.
Please indicate your interest in advance so we will know what supplies are needed. I would like to pre-order____2005 Retreat T-shirt(s) at $12.00
Size Med____Size Lg.____Size XL.____
Please indicate total quantity and how many of each size. Your t-shirt will be at registration for you to pick up.


**I would like to room with____________.

**Please let us know about any special dietary needs in advance.


Print Form, make check
& Mail To:

Upper Skagit Valley Womens Retreat

c/o Gladys Silrus

     POB 964

Concrete, Wa. 98237